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National 5 

Bonne Année 2014!! I hope that you all had a lovely holiday, and are now refreshed and raring to French it up this term - the Prelim term!! (I live in hope....!) 

We have lots to do this term, unfortunately including lots of assessments, and as you know we'll be starting with Writing, which will be helpful preparation for your Prelim...*da da daaaaaaaaa*

Writing Practice

Click on the link below to access the booklet we'll be using for this. You will need to make yourself a google account for this. 

Speaking Exercise

Prepare answers to the following questions. Use your past essays, notes, Metro and linguascope for help. You should provide as much detail as possible. You will not have your notes in front of you when you are assessed on this. 

1. Qu’est-ce que tu étudies cette année ?

2. Est-ce que tu fais des loisirs chez ton lycée ?

3. Est-ce que tu t’entends bien avec tes professeurs ?

4. Qu’est-ce que tu penses de votre lycée ?

5. Quels sont tes projets pour l’avenir ?

6. Décris ton lycée.

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